Covid guidelines
Please be advised that the Department of Health government guidelines for public gatherings will be in place at the Mindfulness Day at Eden Creek Hall on Sunday 22nd March.
We are advised that the decision to hold, restrict, modify, postpone or cancel an event should be based on a thorough assessment of the risk, which I outline below.
We are well under the restrictions for under 100 people for indoor gatherings and 500 for outdoor.
Considering the size of the space, the number of people in it, there is plenty of room for people to move around safely and spaciously (the general rule is 1.5 metres apart)
To be on the safe side, our small group will be capped at 6-8 participants, instead of the usual twelve-thirteen.
Hygiene standards will include the recommended:
- washing of hands often with soap and water, including before and after eating and after going to the toilet
- individual hand-drying towels
- alcohol-based hand sanitiser
- frequent cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces
- disposable individual cups
- individual pens will be provided (or bring your own)
- yoga mats and light blankets have been sterilised (or bring your own)
- encouraged to cover any coughs or sneezes with your elbow or a tissue
- a bin available for immediate tissue disposal if needed
Please do not attend if you are unwell or have been to a higher risk country or been exposed to someone with covid-19 in the past two weeks (unless a test has come back clear.)
The general guideline for exposure risk is having had close contact with a confirmed or suspected case for more than 15 minutes or sharing a small room for more than two hours is likely to increase risk of transmission.
Should you feel hesitant about attending, please get in touch asap. A full refund is available.